Friday, December 4, 2009
Instant Wine Chiller In A Pouring Cap

Thursday, December 3, 2009
iWallet: A Fingerprint Reading Money Holder With A Bluetooth Proximity Sensor

Putting aside the rather hokey promotional video created for the iWallet, the product looks like it will find its place in the pockets of the paranoid and those living in urban environments where pick pockets are never too far.
The iWallet comes in two version: carbon fiber or carbon fiber with Kevlar. This should make it not only durable and virtually indestructible, but incredibly uncomfortable to sit on. But that’s a moot point, seeing as you shouldn’t be sitting on your wallet any way. But what truly makes the iWallet unique is the biometric fingerprint reader. Once your finger print has been associated with the iWallet, only you can open the device by swiping your finger trip across the sensor. But wait there’s more! The iWallet can also pair with your cell phone over Bluetooth. In the event that your iWallet is stolen or travels 10-15 feet beyond its proximity, your cell phone will emit an alarm.
The iWallet will begin shipping December 11th and will start at $299.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Pegasus PJ-003 Spy Cam Ensures You Know What’s Going On

Now here’s a spy pen you can be proud of, the Pegasus PJ-003 Spy Pen comes with four gig of onboard memory and the capacity to take VGA video (that’s 640X480 for those of you who don’t follow resolution charts) all for $99.99.
But here’s the kicker–Amazon’s offering them up unusually cheap, in fact, about forty percent off. They’re currently available for $59.99.
The device is selling like figurative hotcakes, currently ranked number one on the Electronics Movers and Shakers chart, or the Amazon chart that shows the highest jumps in rank according to sales. I’ve never been so clear on what exactly makes these things so popular–a portable video camera that looks like a pen? Does anyone really need to take surreptitious video or is this one just for the stalkers?
So if you’ve been looking for a nice, surreptitous way to take video just about anywhere, the Pegasus PJ-003 should be about what you need. Oh, and if you can answer the above question, I’d definitely appreciate it, so hit the comments section, huh?