Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pet photography

An error that happens frequently when taking a photo of your pet is to concentrate on its face or depict it by itself, with no context around it. When taking the photo detach yourself from the animal and the situation and assess the visual interest of the picture - this way it is more likely to appeal to people who do not know the pet and it will have a wider audience.

Taking photos of the owners with their pets is tough as it may not appeal to everyone. Looking at different shooting angles and lighting will help to widen the audience.

Lets not forget though, pets are difficult to get into position, they seem to do what they want when they want!
  • Try to take the photos at the animals quietest time of the day. It could be just after feeding time when it is at its laziest. Dawn is also a good time when the animals are at their coldest.

  • Let the animal be handled by its favourite person. It should be calmer and less likely to behave erratic.

  • Make the animal comfortable with the flash and the noise of the camera, even the smell. This will help to put the animal at ease.

  • Always move slowly and smoothly, sudden movements could excite the pet.

  • Try for unexpected distances, lighting and angles. There are the traditional bog standard poses that you will have but try for something memorable.
Source http://www.print-digital.info

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